Course Selection
Timing of Course Selection
Current Students
Course selection for current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors happens each year in January. Information will be presented by the counseling office that will help students complete the course selection worksheet and online process. Students and parents will receive an email with a link to information about how to complete the course selection process. Once the regular course selection window closes, no changes will be made to course request sheets.
For incoming freshmen, the course selection process begins in late January when course recommendations are made by teachers and students/families attend the incoming Incoming Freshmen Curriculum and Course Selection Night. Course selection window closes in early February.
Students New to the District
All new students can begin proving residency and registering in the district in mid-February for the following school year. This should be done by contacting the District Registrar at (815) 899-8100. After enrolling, course registration will be completed with the students' counselor directly. For incoming 9th graders, this process can take place in the spring. For upperclassmen, an appointment will be made to meet with your counselor after the end of the school year so that classes can be selected based on grades from the spring semester.
Incoming freshmen — start here to begin the course selection process.
Ready to begin the course selection process as a current freshman, sophomore, or junior?
The Course Selection Process
All current eighth grade students, and high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will use a combination of paper and online course selection tools to choose courses for the next school year. This provides the school with both electronic and paper versions of course choices for each student which ensures accurate course selection. There will be step by step instructions provided for all students on how to complete the entire course selection process. Students MUST complete the online selection and submit the paper worksheet in order to be registered for classes next year.
Our course catalog contains information about the courses offered at SHS, including descriptions, prerequisites, and grade level requirements.