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Dual Credit with Kish on Campus

Two students smiling at each other while walking down the hallway

Dual credit courses provide students with rigorous, college-level instruction while they are still in high school. Sycamore High School partners with Kishwaukee College to offer this opportunity to our students.

Any high school junior or senior who completes and passes any necessary testing and receives the approval of the high school counseling office is eligible to enroll in dual credit courses. Students who choose to take advantage of this opportunity earn both high school and college credit for the dual credit courses they complete, which can reduce the cost and time of earning a post-secondary degree.

Dual Credit Procedure

If you sign up for a dual credit class for next year (2025-2026), you must complete all of the following steps to be enrolled in your class. See your Counselor if you have questions.

1. Apply to Kishwaukee College
  • Go to this link to apply for Kish. (You will receive a verification letter in the mail in a 7-10 days.)
  • This must be completed before you can take the Accuplacer placement test or register.
  • All potential dual credit students will be assigned to Stretch on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 to complete this step with SHS counseling staff.
2. Determine Placement

Placement may be determined by ACT, PSAT, or SAT scores, cumulative high school GPA (current juniors only) and/or taking the ACCUPLACER placement test. Check with your high school counselor.

Course Number Course Name ACT Minimum Score PSAT/SAT Minimum Score Cumulative HS GPA (after 5 or 6 semesters) ACCUPLACER Placement Score

BIO 103

BIO 105

General Biology/General Bio Lab 

English 19 or Composite 19; and Math 22 Reading and Writing 480; and Math 530 3.5 with 5 sem; 3.0 with 6 sem (waives out of ENG prerequisite only — need math) WritePlacer 5-8 and QAS 245-300

ENG 103

ENG 104

Composition I/II English 19 or Composite 19 Reading and Writing 480 3.5 with 5 sem; 3.0 with 6 sem WritePlacer 5-8

MAT 150

MAT 155

College Algebra/Precalculus Math 22 Math 530 N/A QAS 270-300 or AAF 230-300

HIS 220

HIS 222

US History

Minimum competency: English - WritePlacer 3; Math - QAS 226+ or AAF >243

EDU 201 Intro to Education Minimum competency: English - WritePlacer 3; Math - QAS 226+ or AAF >243
EDU 107 Intro to Special Education Minimum competency: English - WritePlacer 3; Math - QAS 226+ or AAF >243
MUS 220 Music Appreciation Minimum competency: English - WritePlacer 3; Math - QAS 226+ or AAF >243
COM 100 College Speech English 19 or Composite 19 Reading and Writing 480 3.5 with 5 sem; 3.0 with 6 sem WritePlacer 5-8
3. Complete placement test, if needed, by April 4, 2025.
  • One testing date (March 17, 2025) will be offered during school at SHS. If students miss that date, it is their responsibility to set up testing on their own through Kishwaukee College. Contact Kish at (815) 825-2086 and ask for the testing center. Indicate that you are a SHS Dual Credit student needing to test. 
  • Testing at SHS will be completed on your school Chromebook (bring it charged).
  • To take the ACCUPLACER test, you must bring your Kishwaukee College letter that you received in the mail verifying that you have applied to Kish (see step 1).
  • A photo ID is required for testing.
  • Handheld calculators are not allowed. ACCUPLACER provides a calculator within the test on certain questions.
  • It helps to come into the placement test prepared. Kishwaukee College has tips for preparing for the ACCUPLACER test and other testing information.
4. Complete Kishwaukee College Class Registration
  • Students will NOT be registered for the dual credit course(s) if placement requirements are not met. Schedules for the high school course will be changed to non-dual credit classes.
  • Once you qualify for a dual credit course, you will need to complete a Kishwaukee College registration form available from the counseling office.
5. Pay for your course(s).
  • Cost: $50/class each semester.
  • Note that biology is $100 as it is a class and a lab.
  • Kishwaukee College will bill families once a student is enrolled in a class.
  • Payments are made directly to Kishwaukee College.
  • Note that Summer COM 100 is taught by Kish Faculty and costs the same fee as other summer school classes.